Information - Bamboo Kung Fu
We offer training in Choy Li Fut kung fu. We also offer training in Essentrics™ - a flowing ballet-inspired movement rejuvenating program.
We are located in downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham.
In-person classes and online classes are available. International participants can attend online sessions.
More about Bamboo Kung Fu
Bamboo Kung Fu Training Philosophy
The Bamboo Kung Fu training philosophy places equal focus on applying the principles of biomechanics and volumes of drills with dedication. Whether a novice martial artist or a kung fu master, anyone can find improvements in the quality of martial skills.
It is important to know whether the weakness or fault lies, so we can address the root cause of the issues.
Team Members Profile
Our team members are knowledgeable in the functions of human body mechanics. Having the understanding allows our team members to customize an optimal training program for the trainees' physical and mental benefits.
Exploring the history of Choy Li Fut kung fu
Choy Li Fut kung fu style originated in Guangdong province, China. The founder, Chan Heung amalgamated the different family kung fu styles he had learnt. Over 200 years, Choy Li Fut kung fu evolved and resulted in 3 main branches. In 2008, the Chinese government designated Choy Li Fut martial art as a treasured national cultural art.
More-Choy Li Fut kung fu history
Buk Sing Choy Li Fut kung fu - in-depth review
Buk Sing Choy Li Fut kung fu is founded by Tarm Sam in Guangdong province, China. Buk Sing CLF kung fu focuses heavily on physical conditioning, refining the techniques and places heavy emphasis on the practical applications of the martial art.